Brought to you by a strong community

The website is maintained by members The European Association of Movers who are located in Cyprus. They have all gone through the many practicalities of re-locating both private and business matters to Cyprus and are ready to help you do the same!

This website is maintained by the non-profit organisation The European Association of Movers. All information can be freely used.

About us

This website is brought to you by volunteers who have all gone through the practical difficulties of re-locating both our business and personal matters to Cyprus. We have accumulated a wealth of information on how to do so as frictionless as possible and are here to share it with you. is the central hub of that information. We have done our best to make a collection of information about all the aspects of a re-location to Cyprus we could think of.

The typical areas people ask about is in the lines of: purchase of property, immigration services, setting up of company, taxation, setting up investment companies, health care, insurance and enrollment in private schools. Are your question not within these lines. Don’t despair. Send us a message and we will do our best to help you out.

The information on the site is delivered free of charge and you are always welcome to ask for a free consultation where we will try to assist you with your situation.

The European Association of Movers

The information and service delivered with this platform is brought to you by the non-profit association “The European Association of Movers” (TEAM). TEAM is an organisation with the mission of helping people who want to move or settle abroad from their home countries.

Read more about TEAM here.

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