Learning to speak greek is not easy. Even the alphabet is different from the one commonly used in the occidental world. Even though most of the occidental culture (specially latin culture) have many greek rooted words, it is a complex language to learn.
We won't teach you to speak the language as you have to study everyday to learn any language fully, but we can show you the alphabet with the correct pronunciation as well as give you tips on some everyday words so you can manage yourself in Cyprus. Even though English is commonly spoken, it is always a good idea to learn some basic words of any country you visit. Let's begin!!
Basic alphabet and pronunciation
Here we show you the greek alphabet with the names of the letters and their correct pronunciation with examples of known words. We understand that knowing how to pronounce a word doesn't mean you know what the word means, but at least you can begin by pronouncing them well.
Letter | Letter Name | Pronunciation |
Α α | álfa | gum |
Β β | víta | vase |
Γ γ | yáma | yacht |
Δ δ | δ-élta | that |
Ε ε | épsilon | egg |
Letter | Letter Name | Pronunciation |
Ζ ζ | zíta | zombie |
Η η | íta | tip |
Θ θ | θ-íτα | theatre |
Ι ι | yióta | tip |
Κ κ | kápa | kite |
Letter | Letter Name | Pronunciation |
Λ λ | lám-δ-a | lot |
Μ μ | mì | aim |
Ν ν | nì | noun |
Ξ ξ | ksì | box |
Ο ο | ómikron | toll |
Letter | Letter Name | Pronunciation |
Π π | pì | paper |
Ρ ρ | ro | raw |
Σ σ ς | sí-γ-ma | ace |
Τ τ | taf | attic |
Υ υ | ípsilon | tip |
Letter | Letter Name | Pronunciation |
Φ φ | fì | fun |
Χ χ | hì | horse |
Ψ ψ | psì | upset |
Ω ω | omé-γ-α | toll |
Greetings and responses
This may be the most useful part. Here we show you some of the most common communication phrases so you can greet and say the basics. With these, we believe you can manage greatly in Cyprus. And even if people have a hard time understanding your Greek gloses, remember that politeness always goes a long way!
Yia sas (hello) is be the standard greeting.
You can also say kalimera for good morning up until 12:00pm, after that kalispera for good afternoon/evening and kalinihta for good night.
Other useful key words and phrases
Nice to meet you: Χάρηκα πολύ (HA-ree-ka po-LEE)
How are you?: Tι κανείς (tee-KAH-nis)?
Thank you: Ευχαριστώ (eff-kha-ri-STOE)
Please / You’re welcome: Παρακαλώ (para-kah-LOE)
My name is... : Με λένε (may LEH-neh)...
What is your name? πως σε λένε? (pos-oh LEH-neh)
Goodbye: Γειά σου (YAH-soo)
Yes: Ναί (neh)
No: όχι (OH-hee)
Excuse me / Sorry: Συγνώμη (See-GHNO-mee)
Do you speak English? Μιλάτε αγγλικά (Mee-LAH-teh ag-li-KAH)?
How much is it?: Πόσο κάνει αυτό (POH-soh KAH-nee af-TOH)?
I don’t understand: Δεν καταλαβαίνω (Then Kah-tah-lah-VEH-noh)
Help! Βοήθεια (voh-EE-thee-yah)